

【学术讲座】 11月13日2024年第十三期数字经济系列讲座(总第38期))

来源:mk体育 发表时间:2024-11-11 09:12:48点击次数:

讲座题目:Sanctions, Ransomware, and Money Laundering on the Bitcoin blockchain


主讲嘉宾:Andrew Urquhart,教授,伯明翰大学商学院


讲座时间:20241113日(周三)下午16:00 – 18:00


会议ID964 7634 9359


摘要:In this paper, we examine sanctioned entities activity on the Bitcoin blockchain and find they use the same exchanges and these exchanges are affected differently by regulations. Higher legal system quality in the country of the exchange leads to increased inflows to exchanges, but lower outflows from exchanges. However, there is little affect when studying the legal system quality in the country of the regulatory change. Therefore, regulators need to think globally rather than locally when implementing cryptocurrency regulation.

嘉宾介绍:Andrew Urquhart,伯明翰大学金融与金融科技教授,伯明翰商学院金融系主任。Andrew的主要研究兴趣涉及金融科技、加密货币、公司治理和高频交易。他的文章发表于Nature, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Financial Markets, European Economic Review, Journal of Financial Stability, European Financial Management, Financial Review, Quantitative Finance, British Accounting Review等20多个国际期刊,累计发表文章超过80篇。他的研究引起广泛关注,学术观点累积被引超过8000次,并获得超过500,000英镑的研究基金。他还担任British Accounting Review, Economics Letters, European Journal of Finance, Global Finance Journal, International Review of Financial Analysis, Research in International Business and Finance等国际期刊副主编。
